Saturday, July 6, 2013

4th of July @ Inwood, Iowa

I was invited and attended the 4th of July Celebration in Inwood, Iowa and boy was it a beautiful day!!  With a great booth location..... always in the shade, slight breeze, near playground (for my boys) and restrooms, plus great visibility ~ it was an enjoyable day to sit, sell and celebrate this Independence Day!  Clowns, tractors, candy, yummy apple pie made by someone's grandma..... it was a wonderful day and I'm so glad I went.

It just so happens I was asked to have a booth at a new craft store being built in Rock Valley, Iowa.  Flattered and extremely excited ~ I'll sit down with my accountant (my husband) and see what the numbers say and if it makes sense for us to do this.  What a nice, big step.... hopefully soon, I'll be spreading the word of our debut booth in an actual store.  We'll see how things go!!

Here are a few pictures of my products and displays.

Please excuse the crass plastic tub - it's holding the pacifier clips I am selling.  I will find some creative way to make it more fun & presentable before the next craft show I have.  

Aren't you in love with my embroidered table cloths??  My lovely, sweet grandma made those for me!  She's such a big support, I don't know what I'd do without her.  

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