Tuesday, February 7, 2012

SF Flea Market

So the Flea Market has come and gone.... I am pretty proud of myself with how things went.  I don't do well with people "judging" and looking at my things... I take things way too personal.  Good thing, though, was that I heard nothing but good comments and praise.  So thank you, everyone... for either liking my hats or for being really sweet and acting like you do.  

Here's a few pictures of my table and the set up.  
(I apologize for the horrible white-out photoshopping job, but with all the other tables and items, it was very difficult to see my items... even standing right in front of my table.  So I tried to make it a little easier to see.)

These were taken the 2nd day... because I totally forgot I had brought my camera with.  So there are quite a few hats missing, that I had sold the first day.  My table was very full the first day.  Still looks pretty nice, if you ask me.  

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