Sunday, June 30, 2013

Siouxland Artisans Festival

Had a great day at the first ever Siouxland Artisan Festival!!  Heather did a great job putting it on and it was a beautiful day (other than a horrific, gusting wind).  I tied down my canopy to my van and then I KNEW I was safe and wouldn't fly away with my goodies!!

Attendance was a bit small but for a first time event, not too shabby!!  Our spot was conveniently located near the food, restrooms and music so I was fully entertained and taken care of all day!!  Due to my (6 year old) help for the day, I had done more work to entertain him than taking pictures of my products or booths.  Unfortunately I have no pic's from that day.  Bummer.

I'm thankful to be invited and have went to the first ever Siouxland Artisans Showcase and will go to it every year that Heather plans on putting it on!  Had a great time, hiccups and all!!

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